Saturday, 1 August 2020

Mike & Luke on Morning Walk

Mike: Hey Luke, we got here on time. 

Luke: Yes we are. 

Mike: It's a good thing, however, we started late, but "Better late than never".

Luke: Yeah!, you can say that.

Mike: By the way, why you suddenly thought it is a good time to start walking, and you called me yesterday.

Luke: See, the thing is, yesterday in my office, my boss said, "Luke, I think you should lose your weight." Am I fat?

Mike: Hmm..! Not much but you are a bit heavier.

Luke: What does it mean? it means indirectly I am fat, right? 

Mike: I didn’t mean that but yes, you are

Luke: Couldn’t you say straight away?

Mike: I thought you'd be angry. 

Luke: Angry my foot. 

Mike: Hey just cool man. You'll get your shape back if you'll keep walking daily. See I am also obese (overweight). 

Luke: Yes I know. By the way, what makes you start walking? 

Mike: Because of the yesterday event. 

Luke: Did your junior insult you? 

Mike: Nah! They don't have to dare to do that. He advised me when we're having dinner together. 

Luke: Who is "He"? 

Mike: My cousin brother. Yesterday my cousin brother with me. We were on dinner and he said in front of family, “Mike, you shouldn't eat more bread, otherwise you'll gain more weight." I felt embarrassed. 

Luke: What's wrong? 

Mike: Oh! So now you're paying me back? 

Luke: Same pinch. 

Mike: You'll never change Luke. 

Luke: You too. 

Mike: By the way, we are childhood friends. So we will never change, I guess. 

Luke: I can't say about you, but I will keep remain like I am right now. 

Mike: Yeah! OH MY GOD! 

Luke: What happened? 

Mike: It's 9 o'clock. Today is my important meeting and I have to reach office till 9:30. Okay Luke, I have to go now. Nice to walk with you, Luke. We will meet again tomorrow morning. 

Luke: Yeah. 

Mike: Make sure you'll be here on time.

Luke: Don't worry. I'll be here before you. Good day, bye.

                                                                                                                   - Written by Mks

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