Sunday, 5 July 2020

Mike & Luke on Evening Tea

Mike: Hey Luke! How are you? 

Luke: I am good. 

Mike: Thanks for calling me at evening tea. 

Luke: It is a pleasure to mine. I was getting bored though, I thought to call you. 

Mike: That's good. I was getting bored too. 

Luke: So, what would you like to have? Tea or coffee? 

Mike: I would prefer tea. 

Luke: Just give me 5 minutes. I'll be back soon. 

Mike: I am coming with you too. 

Luke: Okay, come along with me. I'll show my kitchen too. I have renovated recently. 

Mike: Too good. You have done a great job.  

Luke: I spent badly though. 

Mike: It looks quite better than the past one. 

Luke: You know mike, I spent approx 5 lakh. 

Mike: It's quite expensive, but it looks beautiful. You have good taste in designing. 

Luke: Yeah, thanks. Hmm... Shall we start making tea? 

Mike: yeah sure. 

Luke: what kind of tea you like most? 

Mike: Well, I like milk tea. 

Luke: You have good taste in Indian dishes, haven't you? 

Mike: Yeah, you know I have a friend in India, his name is Mks. One day I went to India. I stayed at his house. He strolled me to Kashi. We made plenty of Indian dishes and I enjoyed a lot his company. I also learned how to make milk tea from him. 

Luke: Interesting. I also want to go to India at once. It's a beautiful country. 

Mike: Indeed it is. By the way, do you know how to make milk tea? 

Luke: Yeah, I learnt it from YouTube. 

Mike: But you used to have coffee only I guess? 

Luke: Ya I would, but one day I was trying to make something different, so I decided to make any Indian special drink. I searched and find the most Specialty in India is Tea. So I made it as a try and from then, I have been having tea constantly. 

Mike: Wow! Sounds good. I am very interested to see you how you make the milk tea. 

Luke: See I am not a master in it, but I will try my best. Spare me if I make a bad one. 

Mike: Well I also make bad sometimes, so it's not a big deal. 

Luke: Okay. So, first I pour milk and water into the pan. 

Mike: Okay. 

Luke: Then we add sugar and tea leaves, and left for 5 minutes to boil. 

                                                                   After 5 minutes 

Mike: Hmm... Smells incredible. 5 minutes has done. Is the tea prepared? 

Luke: Hold on Luke. It's just about to be finished. Just wait 2 minutes only. Because there's one ingredient left to add. 

Mike: What's that?

Luke: Ginger. A secret ingredient of Indians which keep them active. Isn’t it? 

Mike: Oh I see, ginger. I like that. It is beneficial for health too. My Indian friend also used to ginger in tea. 

Luke: Yes. So, ginger is done and the tea has boiled enough, now it is ready to serve. 

Mike: I am enthusiastic to have a sip. 

Luke: take a cup and enjoy.

                                                   Mike speaks while sipping tea 

Mike: Wonderful taste. Well, thanks for the tea. You made my day buddy. I will always remember your tea. 

Luke: It's a great pleasure to mine. 

                                                                   After 1 hour

Mike: Okay Luke. Bye, we'll meet soon. 

Luke: Feel free to come when you need it. Goodbye. 

Mike: Well next time is my turn. I'll make tea for you. 

Luke: Yeah sure. As you wish. I will wait eagerly for your tea call.

                                                                                              - Written by Mks

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